APOLOGETICS:   (Beware of casuistry)

   “I just love this kinda’ stuff!”

A defensive method of argument.

An explanation revealing the true perspective of a subject as it is being opposed by an illogical or deceptive position.

To put it simply, apologetics is “stronghold busting”.

From a sister:

Shalom to you, I received these questions from a brother and would like to get your understanding here with my own so that he has witnesses in this from the body.

Question 1:       During the creation, who is the “Us” that Elohim refers to ? (Genesis 1:26)

(Lew):  As I’ve been working more on the BYNV (read updated texts “Click to look inside”), I’ve made modifications based directly on the Hebrew research, which is still on-going. The Hebrew word “NESHAH” does not mean “let Us make”, but rather is a single word cognate with “NEFESH”, or breath.  This text has no “Us” at all, although my first printing of the BYNV inherits this mistaken idea. The literal meaning is in the context of rulership over all the Earth, with the character of Yahuah, “breathed into” (NESHAH) mankind. 

It is expressed better in this improved translation of the text:     

BERESHITH 1:26, 27 (BYNV):


26 “And Alahim said, “Breath into [NESHAH] Adam [humanity] a shared essence, with a shared character, and let them rule

over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the shamayim, and over the livestock, and over all the arets and over

all the creeping creatures that creep on the arets.”

27And Alahim ta created the man in His essence, in the essence of Alahim He created him; male and female He created them.”


Question 2:       In the beginning, Yahveh created Adam and Hawwah. They bore two sons, Qayin and Hebel. Why did Yahveh not recognise Qayin’s offering?

(Lew):  Scripture interprets the answer for us at Yahudah (Jude) 1:11, Hebrews 11:4, and 1 Yn. 3:12.  There is nothing wrong with a grain offering, but Yahuah knew the heart of both men. A humble and contrite heart is not murderous and jealous, but rejoices to see others do well and receive the loving kindness of Yahuah.  Qayin had the same heart as Balaam, since he sought recognition and gain for his offering.  Hebel was offering the best of that given to him by Yahuah, so he knew that all he possessed was given to him.  What do we have that we did not receive? (1 Cor. 4:7). 

Question 3:       Qayin killed Hebel out of jealousy. Then Qayin left and went to live in Nod. There Qayin met his wife (Genesis 4:17). Where does she come from?

(Lew):  Adam and Kuah had many other sons and daughters over their centuries of living.  We only know the names of a small handful of their offspring, and their offspring were also having their own children. The restriction to not marry with close relatives came long after the Great Flood. Even Abraham was married to one of his father’s daughters.  The teachings about “pre-Adamites” are imaginary tales, and only attempt to bring the revealed Word into question.  Qayin took a woman (ashah) whose name was Auan, according to the book of “Jubilees” (Yobel). Auan was a descendant to Adam and Kuah, perhaps directly, or by way of other descendants.  Women in those days probably began to bear children almost as soon as they reached a reproductive capacity. When we flatten time and make assumptions that Auan was the same age as Qayin, Adam and Kuah’s first-born son, we are operating in the dark.  One should not build on anything constructed in the dark.

Question 4:       Yahveh says to Noah to take seven pairs of all clean creatures and a male and female of every unclean creature. How did they know what was clean and unclean?

 (Lew):  All the clean animals were suitable for being offered in the way Hebel performed his offering.  One cannot offer something unclean, so obviously all people already knew the distinction.  Many also stumble over what is not given in other texts, and they assume the texts were written for people without any knowledge of the Torah. This is why Paul speaks of those who can only accept “milk” and not strong food (i.e. Hebrews 5:12).

The diet of the clean animals is one way to distinguish them from the unclean ones, but we have to realize mankind knew what was unclean was not even “on the table”.

Question 5:       Then after the flood, Yahveh says to Noah “Every moving creature that lives is food for you.” (Genesis 9:3)

(Lew):  What had already been declared to be suitable for food among the moving animals is how we understand this passage, since to establish a matter we must have at least two or more witnesses.  Many are led astray by those having a darkened eye when a verse is made to stand alone, apart from the whole. Notice how the clean animals were given for food “as I gave the green plants”. There were conditional aspects in the edible plants, so the edible animals had to first be “for food”, as distinct from those not for food.  The Torah is not for the logical mind, but for the illogical mind.  A logical mind performs according to the Torah automatically.  The mind without logical thinking processes needs the Torah to guide it, and that mind will grow to think “righteously”. Righteousness is cleanliness.  Unrighteousness is uncleanness. 

3“Every moving creature that lives is food for you. I have given you all, as I gave the green plants.”

 (Lew):  The phrase “as I gave the green plants” is the key to understanding the distinction, along with other texts that guide us into “all Truth”.  The first part is a piece of the puzzle, not the whole picture. All plants are not for food, but those that are food Yahuah has given them all.

Question 6:       In Genesis 10:5 and 10:20 and 10:31 it refers to "according to their languages" and then later in 11:6 it says they all have one language.

 Lew:  In all the verses of chapter 10, the descendants of Noak are listed in a broad context. The chapter explains how the nations descended from Noaks descendants, and where they lived over a long span of time out into the future. If we take one element out, such as language, and make it seem to apply to a time period before the next chapter, we have to also assume all the nations existed that are being described as well.  That is not the case at all. 

At verse 32 we see the information given in chapter 10 is a summary, given before the nations developed, and before they were divided on the Earth (that division is explained in chapter 11).  The text says “from these” the nations were divided, “after the flood”. 

The next chapter opens with HOW the nations became divided, and it was done by Yahuah confusing the languages.

32“These were the clans of the sons of Noak, according to their generations, in their nations.

And from these the nations were divided on the arets after the flood.”

Chapter 11 begins by explaining that everyone was bunched-up, and spoke one language. Yahuah implemented a plan that would disperse them into the whole wide world.

These were very interesting questions, and I hope the Scriptural witnesses help answer them satisfactorily.

brother Lew


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