Yahusha's redemption plan for His bride

MOEDIM (APPOINTED TIMES)  Set according to the first new moon of the year, in the spring for the northern hemisphere (winter must be over in the northern hemisphere for the appearance of this 1st day of the new moon, so the first moon will be at or after the spring “equinox”, when the Earth-orbit reaches the point where the sun is directly over the equator).  The 7 annual MOEDIM consist of very special days through the year, and each is a shadow (outline) of the redemption plan for Israel.   Yahusha's redemption of Israel cannot be understood without them (see Lev. 23, Dt. 16).

The symbol of the menorah, a tree of life and light to the world, pictures His seven assemblies in the branches, and Himself as the Root. 


From What Yoke Does The Truth Set Us Free?

A yoke is a body of teachings. Most absorb the impression from their religious guides that we are free from the yoke of the Ten Commandments.

The Ten Commandments are in fact the Truth, and a Light for our path.

Our freedom is from the traditions of men, which Yahusha was the most critical of above all else.

Yahusha calls the teachings of men "leaven."

He was never upset because anyone obeyed the Ten Commandments, but rather because they disobeyed them and made men's traditions their commandments.

The seven-day observance called Unleavened Bread (Matsah) is a shadow of redemption that pictures the removal of the moldy, puffed-up teaching authority of men from our hearts, so our hearts are able to receive the pure, clean teachings of Yahusha, free of the corrupting ideas of men.

The commonwealth of Yisharal (Israel) is, and always will be, the servants who obey Yahuah's Covenant.

Deut. 16, Lev. 23:       

REDEMPTION  is pictured (shadowed) in the seven annual Sabbaths but these were "replaced" by the Replacement Theologians that designed Catholicism/Christianity.   "Replacement Theology" is generally the idea that "the Church" has replaced Israel as the elect/chosen of Yahuah.  Many things were revised to accommodate the Greco-Roman mind, so a Pagan hybrid system of observance developed.  Paganism was mixed-in with the Natsarim faith.   The redemption plan set down in Scripture consists of 7 annual Sabbaths, and these are in addition to the weekly Sabbaths (Lev. 23, Dt. 16).  So, to rid themselves of everything associated with the true Israel, the councils of the Roman Catholic system eliminated the 7 high Sabbaths of the Hebrew / Scriptural calendar, and designed a brand-new "redemption plan" of their own:  the 7 sacraments.   Students of Scripture will find there is no basis for the 7 sacraments, other than to supercede the true redemption plan modeled in the 7 annual Sabbaths.

Consider the appointed times we should be  observing, as we have been enjoined to Yahuah as Israel through His Covenant (Lev. 23). The Sabbath (weekly), Passover, Unleavened bread, Shabuoth (called "Pentecost"), and the appointments of the seventh moon, Yom Teruah, Yom Kippur, and Sukkoth (Tabernacles).  Next, think of how these are Yahuah's redemption plan for Israel, and that Yahusha's work has, and will, be accomplishing that redemption through all of these shadows.  Now, consider the following correction of the translation we are all familiar with:
"Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of a festival, or of the new moon, or of the Sabbath days which are a shadow of things to come for the body of (Mashiak)."   Col 2:16-17
Normally we see the word "but" in the last phrase.  However, these "shadows" are intended to be for the body of Mashiak,
not ignored as Christianity has.
(In the last phrase, the word is does not exist in any of the received Greek texts; it is in italics in the KJV).

PASSOVER IS NOT A SABBATH, BUT THE OBSERVANCE OF Mashiak's DEATH REMEMBRANCE  -  The first lamb slain in the Garden of Eden foreshadowed their redemption, the shed blood covered them beneath the skin of that lamb.  A lamb died that day instead of them, but their "immortality" did end, and so they died within their first 1000 years, a day to Yahuah, Who eventually provided HIMSELF a Lamb, Who takes away the sin of the world.

Collectively the 7 annual Sabbaths are an "agricultural metaphor", and are the following:


The preparation day for Matsah is Passover, the day the lambs are slaughtered (the 14th of the moon). Passover is another term often used for the whole period of Matsah. Repentance, obedience, and the blood of the Lamb point to the message of Yahusha's offering of Himself.

1st day of Matsah [1st annual high Sabbath]

The seven-day observance called Unleavened Bread (Matsah) is a shadow of redemption that pictures the removal of the moldy, puffed-up teaching authority of men from our hearts, so our hearts are able to receive the pure, clean teachings of Yahusha, free of the corrupting ideas of men.

The first night of Matsah, the 15th day of the 1st moon, recalls how Yahuah slew the firstborn of man and beast in Mitsrayim, about 1450 BCE, bringing Israel (and other enslaved peoples) out of the land of their captivity.

Their hearts were filled with Egyptian culture, and this moldy leaven had to be purged.

FIRST FRUITS [morrow after the weekly Sabbath when omer was waved] foreshadowed the resurrection of Yahusha, Who is First-fruits.

7th day of Matsah [2nd annual high Sabbath]   Immersion:  Yam Suph, creation out of waters, the Great Flood, and our Covenant Immersion act (death to sin)

Shabuoth / Pentecost  [3rd annual high Sabbath]   Mashiak's Circumcision of the heart, our Covenant Oath  The Good Seed, receiving Truth


The physical manifestation of the Name appeared on the 120 Natsarim as tongues of FIRE, and was another appearing of the SHEKINAH, Yahuah indwelling His people.  The giving of Torah at Sinai explains what was happening here, as the Torah was then written in men's hearts.

Yom Teruah [4th annual high Sabbath]   Last Trump of warning  for all occupants of Earth hear, but to Israel a recognized call to assemble. 

IT IS A SHADOW OF THE RESURRECTION OF THE DEAD, FOLLOWED BY THOSE LIVING, TO ASSEMBLE AT THE TIME OF THE RETURN OF YAHUSHA.  THOSE IN THIS RESURRECTION WILL RULE WITH HIM FOR 1000 YEARS. It is also a warning of the coming of the reapers (malakim) who will come 10 days later on the Day of Yahuah.

Yom Kaphar [5th annual high Sabbath]   Day of National Redemption   foreshadows the Day of Yahuah. On the 10th day of the seventh moon the Day of Yahuah will commence with the release of malakim to take out all the offending ones, both physical and spiritual. Many prophets, Psalm 91 and Acts 17 discuss this day. The only ones protected will be those sealed for the Day of Redemption. It is the final choice to overcome the mind of the flesh.

1st day of Sukkoth [6th annual high Sabbath]   Sojourning in tents of flesh, fed with living Bread from Shamayim, clothed with immortality.

8th day of Sukkoth Last Great Day [7th annual high Sabbath]  Foreshadows the Messianic Kingdom reign, and the wedding feast of the Lamb. The bride is prepared for His coming.   

The agricultural cycle is used to shadow the redemption of Yahuah's BRIDE, which He calls “Israel of Yahuah”.  Each of the 7 annual Sabbaths conceal meanings which remain hidden from those who don’t practice them, and even those who do practice them from a “fleshly” approach don’t see the spiritual side of them. They are so important that the elements they portray play a part in whether or not we will enter into the world-to-come. The Mashiak is the Redeemer and active Character in them all.

PASSOVER  The year opens with PESACH, on the evening of the 14th day of the 1st moon [spring, northern hemisphere].  We remember the protection and deliverance of all Israel as they were rescued from the “bondage” of sin (Egypt) at this time of year, by the power of our Redeemer/Deliverer, Yahuah, with an "outstretched arm".  The "door" (Yahusha, the Redeemer) is marked in a special way, indicating how our Redeemer/Deliverer covers/atones for us by marking us as protected and selected — and our decision to obey is shown by our being “observant” of this shadow of things to come. He has knocked, and we invite Him inside our dwelling. We provide evidence of our conviction that we need Him as we acknowledge His protection and deliverance from sin -- the blood-marks on the lintel and 2 doorposts signify the wounds He bore for us at this time of year, and He told us to remember Him (and His death) by the emblems of bread and wine as we observe each Passover.  It is His death we are to remember by observing Passover, until He comes.  The First-born of Yahuah died to cover sin, while the former animal sacrifices could only remind the sinner of his sinfulness.   CONVICTION OF SIN is our first step.    Without the shedding of BLOOD, there is no remission (elimination) of sin.

UNLEAVENED BREAD   (MATSAH is the Hebrew word for unleavened bread)   Next, we prepare our "soil" — our lives are cleared as a farm field for planting, by getting out the stones, boulders, and weeds — clearing our lives of the "sin" by our decision to repent. When we remove the "leavened" bread, we are seeing the “shadow” of the spiritual action taking place.  Avoiding leaven (chametz) for seven days, we are now prepared toreceive what is to be sown. Something is coming into our soil to dwell and grow there - the TORAH (which is the personality of the Ruach, in the Name of Yahusha).  The parable of the Sower shows how we are the different types of soil. Paul told us to “keep the feast” (1 Co. 5:8).  The seven days picture the lifespan, Ps. 90:10, during which we attempt to clear out the sin, clutter, and nonsense in our lives.  

The 1st day of Matsah [1st annual high Sabbath] is on the 15th of the moon, and is a day of rest, recalling the departure of Israel from ha shatan's kingdom, Egypt.  Israel's departure (repentance) from Satan's rule is the keynote of this day.   

The 7th day of Matsah [2nd annual high Sabbath] is also a High Shabbath, and corresponds to Israel crossing the yam suph (sea of reeds) on dry ground, when Pharaoh and his army was drowned.   It also relates to our immersion/baptism, as did the flood of Noach's day.  As Israel obeyed Yahuah to go forward, they went into the waters;  and this is also the beginning of our salvation by faith (1 Pet. 3:15-22).    REPENTANCE (turning around) was the first step away from sin, and immersion is our second step.   During this 7-day period, we observe the "wave sheaf offering", remembering the resurrection of Yahusha, Who is our High Priest, who was dead as our Passover Lamb, but then raised to immortality.   This foreshadows the redemption of our bodies, since the first fruits have been waved (Yahusha's resurrection), looking forward to a great harvest of mankind later.

The following comments may help address some questions that arise concerning Pesach, Unleavened Bread, and the count to Shabuoth:

The proper observance of the death of Yahusha (Pesach) should be calculated from the Scriptures (Lev. 23, Dt. 16), and our understanding is that it is at evening on the 14th of the first moon.   With the arrival of night, the 15th of the moon begins, when the moon is full, and this signals the beginning of the Annual Sabbath, the arrival of the first day of Matsah, or Unleavened Bread.   This was the night Yahuah slew the firstborn, and on this very day He also brought out the children of Israel. 

 “And it came to be on that same day that Yahuah brought the children of Yisrael out of the land of Mitsrayim according to their divisions.”  Exo 12:51  

   The conjunction, or dark moon, is the beginning point of each month, and this agrees with the orthodox interpretation, and it is further confirmed because the 15th of every moon is full when calculated this way. The Yahudim received the Living Words, and have been rehearsing the process for thousands of years.  They know when to observe, but they may not fully comprehend the redemptive "shadow" the observances represent.   If folks wait until they can SEE the sliver moon at sunset, then begin to count that sighting as the beginning of the first day instead of the end of the first day, they arrive at their 15th day when the moon itself is PAST being full  -- according to their measurements, the full moon arrives on their 14th day every moon.   Before I studied Scripture carefully on this, I followed this "sliver moon sighting" for several years.   
The High Priest was to wave the sheaf on the first day of the week (after the weekly Sabbath).   This foreshadowed the resurrection of our First-fruits, Yahusha.  This makes it work out perfectly in the count of "7 weeks" (49 days), up until the "morrow after the 7th Sabbath" -- to make Shabuoth (Weeks) exactly the 50th day afterward.  
Lev 23:15-16:   "And you shall count from the morrow after the Sabbath, from the day that you brought the sheaf of the wave offering; seven sabbaths shall be complete:    Even to the morrow after the seventh Sabbath you shall number fifty days; and you shall offer a new meal offering to Yahuah." 

   This text shows there is a repeating 7-day cycle called "a week". To begin the count any other way, it won't work out to be the "morrow" after the seventh Sabbath;  the orthodox Yahudim today are not consistent with the Scripture as given above.   This is because of inherited errors of the Sages, and Talmudic decisions. 

   So, "Shabuoth" (Weeks) is always, and should be, on the 1st day of the week.   It's Israel's "wedding anniversary", when the vow to obey Yahuah's Torah occurred at Sinai, and the appointment we see fulfilled at Acts 2.   Also, we are now Israel, as long as we obey the Ten Words (Declarations). 

SHABUOTH / PENTECOST  [3rd annual high Sabbath] (the wedding anniversary)  "Shabua" means "week" in Hebrew, and "Shabuoth" means "weeks".    (Shabuoth is the morrow after the 7th Sabbath, counted from the weekly Sabbath during the Feast of Matsah).  Having cleared our field and made ourselves ready for the good seed, WE ARE PLANTED with the "good seed" of the TORAH at Shabuoth.   Mt. Sinai was an event:  the marriage between Yahuah & ISRAEL.   The "good seed" is the personality of Yahuah, the Torah.   These teachings are the 10 Commandments, the wife's wedding vows.  They grow in us during the growing season, summer.  This is the time when we remember the giving of the Ten Commandments at Sinai in Midian, but now (in the New Covenant) they are written on the HEARTS and MINDS of Yahuah’s Bride by the indwelling Spirit of Yahusha, Who circumcises His Commandments into us so we LOVE the Covenant.  The same 10 Commands given in stone are now written on our tablets of flesh, fulfilling the “NEW” (or re-newed) Covenant promised at Yerme Yahu 31:31-34, Ezek. 36:26,27; Yirme Yahu 31 is quoted at Heb. Chapters 8 & 10.  Our immersion pictures our circumcision, as a Bride washes after her period of uncleanness, when we make our personal COVENANT with Yahusha to obey Him as a Bride obeys a Husband.  The first Natsarim received the Spirit of Yahusha at this time — We are His Temple now. The “Ark” of the Covenant was just a box made of gold — but we are so much more than it was.  We contain the living Alahim, Maker of Heavens and Earth, and His Personality (the Torah) grows into our being as we practice obeying His Commandments — this is evidence that we are His (1 John 2:3-6).    The third step is obedience, and begins with our immersion, accepting the Covenant (10 Commandments), and going to the water as our outward sign of becoming Yahusha's Bride, joining Israel, escaping the spirit of the world (mind of the flesh).   Accepting the Covenant by immersion, we become Israel and His wife;  we agree to obey our Husband, and He CIRCUMCISES our hearts with the Covenant, allowing us to LOVE the Torah, the Ten Commandments.    Sinai happens to us personally, and our immersion is our circumcision by the Spirit of Yahusha in our hearts, the objective being love, evidenced by our obedience.

THE SEVENTH MONTH   A final warning comes at the beginning of the seventh moon.   Yom Teruah [4th annual high Sabbath] is a day for the blowing of a shofar, pre-shadowing the “last trump”.   On the 10th day of this moon we are JUDGED at Yom Kaphar [5th annual high Sabbath also called "Yom Kippur"] (the 10th day of the seventh month, called “the Fast” at Acts 27:9).  It foreshadows the Day of Yahuah. The Judge of all flesh will one day look at each person, and decide whether or not they are of the wheat or the weeds, and separate them as with a winnowing fork (see the NOTE below).

  Some day, we will be HARVESTED (the feast of the harvest, called Tabernacles, or SUKKOTH).  The final two high Sabbaths are the 1st day of Sukkoth [6th annual high Sabbath], and the 8th day of Sukkoth [7th annual high Sabbath], the last great day closing the festival.   Yahusha was probably circumcised on this 8th day, the 7th High Sabbath of the festivals of Yahuah.

NOTE:  The fast is to afflict our flesh for 24 hours from the 9th day of the moon at evening to the 10th day of moon at evening. For normally healthy people, the fast should be no food. Water is necessary for life, and I don't teach to abstain from it. Without water, even normal people can easily get very sick.  Yahuah's intention isn't to make us feel sick, but to give up food and pleasantries.  Water is all that I would say is allowed. Small children should give up all pleasant food, and try to hold off for as long as they are able;  then just be given something plain, like crackers and water.  They'll live, but we should watch them closely to make sure their "affliction" is not severe suffering. The pregnant and aged are also to be treated with some food and water, and should do their best but not be allowed to feel ill.   If we all eat very well before sunset, our fast should be without severe pain  -- but we will all feel some pain.

TABERNACLES: Yahusha was born in the fall, during the commanded feast of Yahuah called "SUKKOTH", meaning tents or booths (Tabernacles) see Lev. 23, Dt. 16.    He was visited by the shepherds (but not the Magi) on the night of His birth, and these shepherds were told He could be found lying in a feeding trough (Luke 2).

We are told to build a temporary dwelling and place branches freshly cut from trees of the brook upon it.  This very clearly “shadows” our own bodies, our “tent”. The seventy years of our life are pictured by the seven days, and we notice the branches slowly whither and die over the seven days of this feast.

These shadows of things-to-come will be understood better by practicing them. For now, we should observe the “times” appointed for us, and be mindful that it is not in the details of how “perfectly” we perform them, or of being critical of others as they observe them. Rather, we must understand what these shadows represent spiritually, and grow in our appreciation and love for Yahuah — and love for those He has redeemed. As imperfect as we all are in our various levels of development, we are all very special to Him. We not only are commanded to love one another, but also our enemies. We are the living TEMPLE of Yahuah, and living waters (the TORAH) should flow from each of us. Remember to forgive, because no one is perfect except One: Yahusha ha Mashiak L’Natsarith. Those of the synagogue of Satan must leave it and begin to restore what has been lost, and return to their First Love. The Word (Torah, Yahusha) is living and active; it is a double-edged Sword, and able to discern between soul and spirit, joints and marrow, and to judge the thoughts and INTENTIONS OF THE HEART.


The first moon is called ABIB 

(This means grain, and is referring to the 1st moon when barley ripens for the first-fruits harvest)

1st day of the new year begins:   For more info on the equinox, click here:  TEQUFAH

MOEDIM (APPOINTED TIMES)  Set according to the first new moon of the year, in the spring for the northern hemisphere (winter must be over in the northern hemisphere for the appearance of this 1st day of the new moon, so the first moon will be at or after the spring “equinox”, when the Earth-orbit reaches the point where the sun is directly over the equator).  The 7 annual MOEDIM consist of very special days through the year, and each is a shadow (outline) of the redemption plan for Israel.   Yahusha's redemption of Israel cannot be understood without them (see Lev. 23, Dt. 16).

(NOTE:  the “Gregorian” calendar ignores the real moon entirely, and is strictly “solar”.  The Hebrew calendar is luni/solar.  The “year” begins with the first new moon in the spring in the northern hemisphere, and this applies to the whole Earth  -  Ex. 12:2.  It is the beginning of moons, so the festivals are all established by the first moon.  To properly understand the Hebrew calendar, remember that each day begins at sunset, not midnight as the Roman paradigm).

The whole 7-day festival of Unleavened Bread (Matsah) is often called "Pesach," or Passover.

Moed’im: This Hebrew word means “appointed times.”  Many of them are “festivals” or feasts, and commemorate or “shadow” how Mashiak Yahusha redeems His wife, Yisharal / Israel. 

They are given at Lev. 23, and again at Dt. 16. 


"Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of a festival, or of the new moon, or of the Sabbath days which are a shadow of things to come forthe body of Mashiak."  Col 2:16-17



This Hebrew word means appointed times.  Many of them are festivals or feasts, and commemorate or “shadow” how Mashiak Yahusha redeems His wife, Israel.

They are given at Lev. 23, and again at Dt. 16.


"Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of a festival, or of the new moon, or of the Sabbath days which are a shadow of things to come for the body of Mashiak."  Col 2:16-17 see also Heb 10


Yahusha was impaled during the “day” part of the 14th of the first moon, but He observed Pesach with His talmidim the evening before, at the arrival of the 14th.


Appointed times and the Sabbath

NOTE:  The new moon is 15 days before the full moon.

If you use the "crescent sighting" for a new moon, then on your count to the 15th day, the moon will be one day PAST full.  The day of our feast is ON the full moon, so beginning your count correctly is of utmost importance.  If you can see the crescent moon at sunset, that means it's the END of the first day, not the beginning.

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YAHWEH  Yahuah   



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