Why Do People Celebrate Easter?
Hebrew Roots Research by Lew White
EASTER: Mother Earth, Ishtar A NAME ADOPTED FROM PAGANS The phonology (sound) of this word reveals the Truth for us. Many deny that the phonology is any proof, but they are in denial for a good reason: They will lose credibility in the eyes of their followers. A rose by any other name is still a rose.
How To Identify The Mother Of Harlots
Anyone can turn away from the delusional religious behavior they are trapped
in by the power of Yahusha’s Spirit.
That delusional religious behavior is the mother of harlots.
The mother of harlots is a hybrid-mongrel.
How can we identify the mother of harlots? Artemis (Diana) of Ephesus - Great Mother Gaia, Ishtar, Easter EXCERPT FROM THE BOOK FOSSILIZED CUSTOMS -- pgs. 12-14 This word has been adopted from Pagans as an attempt to “inculturate” by syncretism a behavior that is an absolute abomination. If you recognize Halloween for what it is, then this will be no different after you learn the truth. Easter was already one of the two biggest celebrations observed by Pagans, long before Christianity came along. It is my belief that when this is exposed, it will fulfill the prophecies of Revelation 18. Go read it now. Babylon is still with us, but it is going to fall. Easter was celebrated by the Assyrians, the Phoenicians, and the Philistines (Goliath no doubt had an Easter basket). You should look up “Easter” in a Webster’s Dictionary, and do further research in other sources! This festival involved the “Rites of Spring” near the Equinox of Venus, when Pagans believed the Earth Mother was impregnated by the sun. They engaged in ritual sex acts, and used symbols of fertility like eggs, rabbits, and “hot cross buns.” The Babylonian symbol for the female was, and is, a circle with a crux beneath. The round cakes were baked for the Queen of Heaven (Regina Coeli), and Great Mother (Magna Mater aka, Nature), with the cross symbol indicating the female. The cross also indicated the Equinox, when the Earth’s orbit crossed the celestial equator. This must sound so wild you may think I’m a heretic; but by the end of this you will be very glad to have acquired the truth. This book will only shatter myths, not the rock of Truth. To
ensure a prosperous growing season, Pagans rolled eggs decorated with
bright colors of Spring on their fields, hoping to imbue fertility.
These eggs were then hidden from “evil spirits” in rabbits’ nests,
another symbol of fertility. The US Federal government does this
very thing on the White House lawn every year on Easter
Sun-Day. “Easter” is the name
of the Babylonian “Mother of Harlots”, Rev. 17, and her image stands
as the sun-goddess “Lady Liberty” in New York Harbor. This
Colossus statue even has the “tower” headpiece, as seen worn by
The HebrewTaNaK (O.T.)
calls her
But you say, “The word ‘Easter’ is in my King James Version.” Translations are not inspired and errors exist by the tens of thousands in many translations. The word in the Greek that underlies the word “Easter” in the KJV is pascha, and it means Passover, from the Hebrew word Pesach. Pascha is correctly translated 28 times in the KJV as Passover, but in one place it is mistranslated "Easter." All scholars admit that this is an error in translation, and it only appears ONCE, at Acts 12:4. Verse 3 is discussing "Unleavened Bread." Luke, who wrote almost 40% of the Mashian writings (NT), didn’t put it there as Easter. The KJV is the only one with this error, since translators corrected it in all others. There was a previous English translation made by the Catholic priest John Wycliffe during the 14th century. Wycliffe's influences came from the Latin Vulgate, and in his day the word "ester" and "Pascha" were thought to be synonyms for the same thing. Luther's version used the word Oster. These men had no idea Ostara, Ester, Ishtar, Eostre, and so on were references to the Earth mother, adopted from former worship of the host of heaven. Pagan religions through time paralleled each other, carrying the Sun, Earth Mother, and child model from Babylon to Media Persia, Phoenicia, Egypt, Greece, Rome, and Celts. The Medes cooked the mythology into Zoroastrianism, producing the magician priests called Magi. They worshipped Ahura, Haoma, and Ohrmazd as their trinity. (We’ll survey them all under Trinities later). The Greeks’ Zeus was their sun deity, whose mother was Lydia, shown riding a swan. Notice her headpiece; very much like Lady Liberty. The Britannica Encyclopedia (1934) states: “EASTER (es’ter). Ostara, or Eastre, was the goddess of Spring in the religion of the ancient Angles and Saxons. Every April a festival was celebrated in her honor. With the beginnings of Christianity, the old gods were put aside. From then on the festival was celebrated in honor of the resurrection of Christ, but was still known as Easter after the old goddess.” In contrast, the Creator says: “Break down their altars, smash their sacred stones and burn their Asherah (Easter) poles in the fire; cut down the idols of their gods and WIPE OUT THEIR NAMES from those places. YOU MUST NOT WORSHIP Yahuah YOUR Alahim IN THEIR WAY.” Dt. 12. Have you ever wondered what happened? The pagan customs were adopted slowly after the first talmidim (Natsarim) fell asleep, as we read the letter of Polycrates to the elder in Rome.
Transformation Of Paganism
For seven of my relatives were bishops; and I am the eighth. And my
relatives always observed the day when the people put away the leaven.”
Pagans were absorbed into Chrisianity, it was the policy to accept everything they were accustomed to celebrating. Let’s hear it directly from the Catholic organization itself; the Catholic Cardinal John Henry Newman’s book, The Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine, published in 1878, states in chapter 8: “The rulers of the Church from early times were prepared, should the occasion arise, to adopt, to imitate, or to sanctify the existing rites and customs of the population, as well as the philosophy of the educated class. The use of temples and those dedicated to particular saints, and ornamented on occasion with branches of trees (wreaths), incense, lamps, candles, votive offerings on recovering from illnesses, holy water, holy days and seasons (the entire Church calendar), use of calendars, processions, blessings on the fields, sacerdotal vestments, the ring in marriage, chants, the Kyrie Eleison — are all of Pagan origin, and sanctified by adoption into the Church.” There you have it. But, you may ask, “If Easter was a Pagan festival celebrating the impregnation of ‘Mother Earth’, how did it get mixed up with Christianity?” Christianity’s Pagan Connection started with one man more than any other. In 325 CE, the Roman Emperor Constantine I convened what is now called the Nicene Council, gathering 220 elders (bishops) together, in order to unify basic doctrines (teachings), and establish common practices. This universalizing produced the Roman Catholic Church (RCC). The Latin word Catholic means universal. There was no Catholic on planet Earth prior to this Council. The only Council mentioned in the Writings conducted by the first Nazarenes is mentioned at Acts 15, the purpose of which was to determine how to accommodate Gentile converts who were turning to the true Creator. The only topic: circumcision ~ and since immersion in the Name and receiving the Spirit into your heart is our “circumcision”, it was decided that physical circumcision was not necessary (this is a very important beginning text to be understood by all adult male Gentiles). Constantine’s Council sought to institute new tolerances for Pagan patterns, and outlaw the patterns that the Savior lived by and taught ~ he had already proclaimed “Sun-Day” as a day of rest dedicated to the sun (321 CE), and now it came time to syncretize more Paganism. By not repenting and turning away from elementary foolishness, it was simpler to just “absorb” the behavior. Political and religious CONTROL is a slippery thing; so by keeping the Pagan rituals in place, control was maintained with a minimum of effort. Truth was twisted by the “spin doctors” so the opposite of truth became our custom. Rather than make 99% of the people conform to a totally new behavior, it was easier to just exterminate the 1%, and put a Scriptural spin on the Pagan customs. This is what overwhelmed all our ancestors, being taught these things as young children. Paganism has always been highly skilled at wrapping dissimilar things together, making things appear one way on the surface, and making the loosely understood things shrouded in what they call the “mysteries of the faith.” In order to blend practices into universal (Catholic) behavior, the real Shabbat (Sabbath) was outlawed, along with Passover and other annual Jewish observances. This was a prophecy revealed to Daniel. In the prophecy, four beasts or kingdoms would arise, which are clearly (1) Babylon, (2) Media-Persia, (3) Greece, and (4) Rome. At Dani’el 7:25, the 4th beast is clearly described: “The fourth beast is a fourth kingdom that will appear on Earth (Rome). It will be different from all the other kingdoms and will devour the whole Earth, trampling it down and crushing it. The ten horns are ten kings who will come from this kingdom (Caesars/Khasars/Kaisers/Czars ~ Julius Caesar up to Constantine). After them another king will arise, different from the earlier ones (Constantine “fused” the sun worshippers with the Nazarene writings, and was not of the family name Kaiser / Caesar); he will subdue three kings. He will speak against the Most High, and oppress His saints (qodeshim, those set-apart, especially the Hebrew people), and try to change the set times and the law”. Scripture is a pattern for our living in peace, guiding us with its LAW. The changing of the set times (or seasonal appointments decreed at Deut. 16 and Lev. 23) were wiped-out and replaced with Pagan observances, imposed by Constantine.
The Easter Harlot's
Babylonian Roots Ishtar / Easter promotes Nimrod’s rebellion
against Yahuah. She is the Harlot of Babel, and a symbol of lawlessness. Christian teachers are scrambling to recover from what
could be the greatest “wardrobe malfunction” for the Mother of Harlots. It’s the connection between the name Ishtar and Easter. About 1985, I began to study Scripture as a theological
archaeologist. Just below the surface of every familiar term and custom
there was a filthy core hiding behind a candy-coating. These discoveries
inspired the book, Fossilized Customs. The author Alexander Hislop was also a theological
archaeologist whose eyes were opened to the connection between Nimrod’s
reign and the 4th beast, Rome’s Magisterium. He drew the connection between
the words Easter and Ishtar, yet his critics claim that phonetics (the sound
of words) is a worthless proof. When proper names are concerned, is that really the case, or is the proof too overwhelming to face for those who risk losing their position in a false teaching authority? The Anglican Catholic KJV is the only English translation using the word “Easter.” - Acts 12:4 The Hebrew
term PESAK was transliterated (not translated) into the Greek script 29
times as PASCHA. The KJV’s use of the word Easter at Acts 12:4 defies logic,
since if it could be justified in one instance, then why not all 29
instances? The dirty little secret is that this Catholic tradition
overwhelmed the translators, and now everyone is claiming the meaning behind
the word Easter is still clean. They are trying to put a new crust over it
with claims that it means “dawn” (still based another pagan deity of the
dawn, Aurora). Magicians use misdirection to deceive, and Jesuits use
casuistry in the same way. I predicted that when the Truth of the term “Easter” was
made known across the world, that it would awaken millions from their
slumber. Now it’s beginning to happen, and Christian pastors are posting
their explanations as fast as they can to reduce the damage to their
authority. The Easter Harlot has had a major wardrobe malfunction and the
world is going to get a good look at it. As usual, they are playing on the ignorance of their
followers, using “translation” as the universal equivocation device. They are turning to meanings based on Anglo-Saxon,
German, Greek, and Latin. Ishtar, Eastre, Ostern, and many others have no
connection with Yahusha’s language or His resurrection, but they do relate
to Aurora, Aphrodite, Diana, Libertas, Ashtaroth, Durga, and other terms for
the mother goddess worshipped by witches. Other wardrobe malfunctions are to
come. The worship of the host of heaven by means of Babel’s
zodiac, or vows to the queen of heaven though every birthday cake, are being shown to have nothing to do with Yahusha's
behavior. Yahusha is cleansing the filth from His bride in a worldwide
behavior revolution. Here is a recent posting that basically says,
“Move along, there’s nothing to see
here.” Constantine (the father of Christianity) becomes part of
their explanation: Easter question posted at Jesus.org:
Is Easter Named for a Pagan
Goddess? “Our English word Passover, happily, in sound and sense,
almost corresponds to the Hebrew [pesach], of which is a translation (Exodus
12:27). The Greek pascha, formed from the Hebrew, is the name of the Jewish
festival, applied invariably in the primitive church to designate the
festival of the Lord’s resurrection, which took place at the time of the
passover. Our word Easter is of Saxon origin, and of precisely
the same import with its German cognate Ostern. The latter is derived from
the old Teutonic form of
auferstehn, Auferstehung, which means
“resurrection.” The name Easter is undoubtedly preferable to pascha
or passover, but the latter was the primitive name.” "The
word Easter is of Saxon origin, the name is eastre, the goddess of spring in
whose honor sacrifices were offered about Passover time each year. By the
eighth century Anglo-Saxons had adopted the name to designate the
celebration of Christ's resurrection."
from An Ecclesiastical
History to the Twentieth Year of the Reign of Constantine, 4th ed., trans.
Christian F. Cruse (London: Oxford Univ. Press, 1847). DID THE JESUS.ORG EXPLANATION WORK ON YOU? Equivocation is employed here to defend the error. The
misdirection is in their translation of the German word,
auferstehn, which doesn’t mean resurrection. It is a word that
refers to springtime, and means “to resuscitate.” It’s
time to wake up now, and be restored to favor with Yahuah.
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old Yiddish
saying says,
"The Messiah
expecting will
never come; the
Messiah that's
coming you've