FIRST-FRUITS is a shadow of

RESURRECTION (to stand again, or ANASTASIS in Greek)

A response to an article promoted by

The Date of Easter,
Theologically Driven, by John Aloisi
The impregnation festival in the spring
(9 months from the sun's birthday, December 25th)
was known in each avatar of the beast (reign of Babel).
The Great Mother was known as Ishtar, Astaroth, Eostre, Artemis, Diana, Libertas, and dozens more.
Mother Nature, or Gaia, is the current midden (pagan garbage heap) the media is sifting out. The fertility emblems - eggs, rabbits, and fish - and her association with the moon, are overlooked by those hypnotized by the dragon's schemes.


Have you ever wondered what happened?

The pagan customs were adopted slowly after the first talmidim (Natsarim) fell asleep, as we read the letter of Polycrates to the elder in Rome.

The Transformation Of Paganism
Truth Or Tradition - The Transformation Of Paganism
Acts 18 mentions the early expulsions of Torah-guarding Yahudim from the city of Rome by emperor Claudius a few years prior to the destruction of Yerushalem. The 2nd century writings of Polycarp of Smyrna reveal in a letter to Victor, a fellow elder in Rome, discouraging the observance of Easter, and encourage Passover instead.
Polycrates emphatically stated that he was following the tradition passed down to him:
“We observe the exact day; neither adding, nor taking away. For in Asia also great lights have fallen asleep, which shall rise again on the day of the Master's coming … All these observed the fourteenth day of the Passover according to the besorah, deviating in no respect, but following the rule of belief.
And I also, Polycrates, the least of you all, do according to the tradition of my relatives, some of whom I have closely followed. For seven of my relatives were bishops; and I am the eighth. And my relatives always observed the day when the people put away the leaven [5].”
Emperor Theodosius (A.D. 78-398) officially forced Constantine's Catholicism the State Religion of the Roman Empire, and made church membership compulsory. The forced conversions filled the assemblies with unregenerate pagans, while continuing to tax those who observed other beliefs.
Download a tract / article with more details on how the Fiscus Judaicus (a Roman tax on Torah observers) slowly transformed the assemblies planted by the first Natsarim into steeple-building pagans observing Sun-day and eating swine.

Crumbs fall from the children’s table (Yisrael being the “children”)
Dear John,
Your recent article mentioned how professing believers have argued over “when” to observe “Easter.”
You quoted from the 4th-century writings of Eusebius and the 4th-century Apostolic Constitutions.
There is no way to establish a date for "Easter" from Scripture, since it is an adopted festival from heathens.
It is obvious that you are trying to find out more, so I’d like to share just a little of what my research has revealed on this subject, in love.
Most realize the resurrection of Yahusha on the first day of the week fulfilled the “sign of Yonah,” 3 days and 3 nights from the time of His burial.
What is less known is that His resurrection was the fulfillment of one of the redemptive shadows: that of First-fruits.
The waving of the barley omer was conducted by the Kohen ha’Gadol (High Priest) on the “morrow after the Sabbath” (the 1st day of the week, Lev 23:11), during the week of Matsah, a 7-day leaven-free period following Pesach (known as Passover, or the Greek, Pascha).
Lev 23:11: “And he shall wave the sheaf before Yahuah, for your acceptance. On the morrow after the Sabbath the priest waves it.”
Passover is on the 14th day of the 1st moon; the Lamb was slain between the evenings on this day.
Without the protection of the blood of the Lamb, slain in our place, we would all perish. Passover points to Yahusha’s death, pierced for our transgressions, a smiting for our iniquities (lawlessnesses) – see Is / YashaYahu 53.
After Passover, the next event or shadow is about the resurrection:
First-fruits is on the morrow after the weekly Sabbath, and foreshadows the resurrection of Yahusha as the “First-fruits.”
This was the only sign Yahusha gave as evidence of His teaching authority, and that He is Who He claimed to be.
He is the “first” to be resurrected, and His followers await their resurrection at His return, on the “day of the shout,” Yom Teruah.
Resurrection (to “stand again”) is the object that casts the “shadow” – the “outline” or figure implied by the terms referring to “harvest.”
The meanings are concealed and are veiled “shadows,” keeping outsiders from “hearing” and understanding.
The resurrection of Yahusha was on a 1st day of the week, however this does not change when the Sabbath day is observed. The resurrection points to the fulfillment of the wave-sheaf offering known as “First-fruits.”
There is no “Easter” (as a word) in the Writings of the followers of Yahusha, it is a mistranslation in the KJV at Acts 12:4. “Easter” is the heathen name for the Earth mother, Ishtar (Asherah, Eostre, Isis, Astoreth, Astara, etc.,.). It involved “sunrise services” (Ezekiel 8).
The reason people don’t know when, how, or why the prophetic fulfillments like Passover, First-fruits, Shabuoth, Yom Teruah, Yom Kaphar, and Sukkoth occur is due to the fact that Constantine forbade their observance.
They are the redemptive festivals outlining in “shadows” how Yahusha is redeeming Yisrael, His bride. We must engraft into the Covenant to partake of the blessing of the olive tree, not remain a wild olive tree assuming we “replaced” the one true olive tree.
The reason people can’t get to the Truth is that they are not abiding (living) in Yahuah’s Word:
John / Yahukanon 8:31, 32: “So Yahusha said to those Yahudim who believed Him, “If you stay in My Word, you are truly My taught ones, and you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

Lew White
Torah Institute


 Torah Institute

Aseret ha’Dabarim  (Ten Words) condensed from Deut/Debarim 5:

The Ten Commandments teach us how to love Yahuah, and how to love our neighbor. They are not taught by any faith group as written.

Yahusha asked if He would find the faith on the Earth when He returned.

If populations understood the purpose of the Ten Commandments, they would embrace them.

Instead, preachers tell the followers they are impossible to obey.