I dare you to tell Yahusha you want to love His Torah.

This is a challenge for Christians to think carefully about what some human traditions may look like in the Eyes of our Creator. There are multiple christianities being all about the Mashiak, yet none of them are the way in which He walked:  "The one who says, 'I know Him,' and does not guard His commands, is a liar, and the truth is not in him. But whoever guards His Word, truly the love of Alahim has been perfected in him. By this we know that we are in Him. The one who says he stays in Him ought himself also to walk, even as He walked. Beloved, I write no fresh command to you, but an old command which you have had from the beginning. The old command is the Word which you heard from the beginning."     1Yn (John) 2:4-7

In the world-to-come, when we are resurrected and clothed with immortality, there will be 2 bodies of believers. Yes, all will believe at that time, but they will have different outcomes. One of these bodies will inherit eternal life. The other will face a far different future. Please consider taking a dare.  This is a challenge for you to think outside of the box, your denomination.

Which denomination is the right one?  In the world-to-come, there will be "two" denominations. A basic struggle we all have is getting at the Truth, and seeing things from our Creator's point-of-view. We all have beliefs, but what we really need is the Truth;   the true facts. We have to stop limiting things to man's point-of-view alone.

At Deut. 12:30-32, we are commanded to not learn the ways of the Pagans (to not learn or adopt formats or traditions which Pagans used to serve their idols), nor worship Yahuah in their way. This eliminates the excuse that is most popular:  that because we aren't thinking about worshipping Yahuah in a Pagan way, then the previous Pagan activity is "cleansed" of all its pagan origins and intentions.   If intentions are what makes things OK, Yahuah would have told us this;  but the golden calf was made with the intention of worshipping Yahuah, and we see that the whole nation of Israel was almost destroyed.   "Pagan" is the same thing as "Satanic".   Sorcery, astrology, zodiac, or magic (black or white) are all the works of the devil.    Worshipping Yahuah in a way He did not develop is very dangerous.  

  Most of you are aware that "Halloween" is a previously Pagan observance, and have begun by withdrawing your family's involvement in it  -  and you've felt the heat from family and friends over it too. Well, you need to look carefully into the origins of the holidays we've inherited like Christmas and Easter as well.   Remain calm, because the Truth and your belief in our Mashiak and His Word will stand firm;  but you will discover that Christmas and "Easter" (Ishtar) are no different than Halloween  -  formerly they were Pagan observances which became camouflaged and revised to appear as something different than they really are.   Paganism, witchcraft, and Satanism are all the same thing  --  rebellion against Yahuah.   You will hear all sorts of excuses for theses holidays, and the heat you've felt over Halloween is nothing compared to what you will be feeling when you learn the true background of Christmas and Easter.   The very religious Pilgrims that came to the continent of North America in the 15th century were fleeing severe persecution for their understandings of Scripture, and the first colonies established had laws on the books which outlawed the Pagan observance of Christmas, because they knew what it really was.    This all became more relaxed as increasing numbers of Irish Catholics immigrated to this continent.   The Colonials didn't like the influences of the Irish very much, because of their Catholicism  --  the thing many of them had fled from.   It wasn't because they were Irish!   The idea of "SUN-DAY" being the Shabath, changed during the 4th century, is just now being realized by those being called out of the harlot.

    If you need a Christmas tree, or a chocolate bunny rabbit & Easter eggs, or wish to change the day of rest which Yahuah has established, and you  don't know there's anything wrong, then you are without a knowledge of sin (Jn. 15:22).   1 Cor. 9:21 should be a strong warning for those "without the law" however.   When you have been told, and investigate what Scripture says about these things, and don't repent, you are responsible; and guilty of an even greater transgression. These pagan traditions are idolatry,  because they originated in idolatry.  The RCC used "missionary adaptation" on us, inculturating formerly Pagan elements in populations to "convert" the people using their familiar patterns of worship.   In other words, the Pagan format remained intact, but the meaning of the terms, symbols, and traditions were altered;  and Scripture had to be suppressed to pull it off.

    In the Creator's eyes, these Pagan elements cannot be washed and changed into anything else.  A pig, after it is cleaned up, is still a pig, even if you put lipstick on it and pretend it's changed.    Converts who have been cleaned from their idolatry are like pigs if their hearts are not converted.   But, the Jesuits and Dominicans don't care about Yahuah; to them, the "end" justifies the "means".

Like pigs, they too will return to their mud hole, and like a dog, return to their vomit.  

    The context of Romans 14 is speaking about "special days", because the Yahudim had human traditions concerning fasting twice each week.   If someone didn't follow the pattern, they were regarded as less pious. Paul was simply declaring that what we do or don't do is OK, fasting or not, but he is not condoning the adoption of previously pagan customs and traditions to honor Yahuah with them.   This is going far beyond the intention of what Paul wrote. Paul is commonly misunderstood to be sure.   Peter warned us not to misunderstand Paul's writings.

    Often, it is said,  "Christians do not have to observe any particular day".   Most have been taught that SUN-DAY is the "Christian Shabath", and even believing this they will buy and sell or work on this day, the 1st day of each week.    They will agree, however, that their SUN-DAY is certainly not the Shabath that Yahusha observed. Yahuah said the 7th day of the week is the Shabath of rest from work. The Council of Laodicea in 365 CE said Christians are to work on the Shabath, and rest on Sunday. Who do we obey? The one we obey is the one we serve (Romans 6:16).


How we live is a mixture of how we were molded and taught, and what we have chosen to accept or reject.  Our walk reveals who we really serve, even if we are deceived about who that is.   The Hebraic concept of how we live is called “halakah”, from the word halak, referring to our “walk”.   The “way” or “path” on which we do this “walking” is either the narrow path of light (as Torah directs us in its teachings/directions), or the broad road of darkness that follows no directions from Torah.   This road of darkness without Torah leads to death (the eternal kind).   The Torah is the way, our map, to direct us into “paths of righteousness” which Yahuah guides us into “for His Name’s sake”.   All who call on His true Name must depart from all unrighteousness, or it brings shame upon His Name.   Yahusha is "the way", the living Torah (Word of Yahuah), and the light.   His religion --  the way He lives  --  is the only way;   there's no other way to enter eternal life but through the gateway.   You cannot invent your own way, or path, and sneak in without accepting the love for the Truth, which is His Torah.   He will give you this love for His Torah, but you have to want it, and ask Him for it.

    How do you live?   Most of us are raised in a denomination or mold, called “a religion”.   These may be about the Mashiak, but are any of them the Mashiak’s religion? 1 Yn 2:6 says,

“The one who says he stays in Him ought himself also to walk, even as He walked.”   Do we need to have a degree in Theology to understand what that sentence might mean? 2 Yn. 1:6 tells us,

"And this is the love, that we walk according to His Commands.  This is the Command, that as you have heard from the beginning, you should walk in it."   Our obedience is the evidence of our faithfulness, and shows Yahuah that we are His servants, and we're not inventing our own methodology or following any humanly-designed process.   The Commandments are not new, and neither can they be revoked;  they define what a sin is  (see 1 Yn. 3:4, Jas. 1:22-25).   The New (or renewed) Covenant is having these Commands written upon our hearts and minds by Yahusha's Spirit  (Heb. 8).

Even SHATAN is a believer (YaAqob/James 2:19)but this rebellious being will not serve and obey.

    It’s how we walk (our halakah) that reveals the truth about whether our “religion” is His religion, or is just about Him.  One path is the path of light, guided by the Torah, and the other is designed by traditions of men to win the approval of men — seminary-trained, but flawed in their walk, having exchanged the Commandments of Yahuah for the traditions of men.   Unless your conscience is completely numbed by listening to the intoxicating excuses and deceiving teachings, you know that most have fulfilled the prophecy that there would be an “apostasy”, or falling-away from the Torah, the true faith.   It can only be determined by what is right, or righteous, as defined by the Torah — not the masquerading messengers of light who fill our heads with traditional lies that have no basis from Scripture.   Test everything, especially the excuses you are taught, and ask for the clear Scriptural foundation they base their teachings upon.   If we are taught that we no longer have to obey a Commandment, there had better be clear Scriptural verses to show this to be true.   A good place to start investigating would be to study the 4th Commandment, concerning the “Shabbath”, which commands us to rest on the 7th day of each week — in commemoration of Creation week.   Has this Commandment been annulled by Yahuah, or men?    Can men alter any of the Commandments?    They may claim they have the authority, but Scripturally this is simply not true.   Catholics have claimed the authority to "bind and loose" is in the hands of men, however these words simply mean "forbid and permit", and the men (elders) who can do this are intended to be guided solely by a thorough knowledge of Torah (what Yahuah has spoken in His Word).    Men have departed from the Torah, and the "apostasy" is this falling away from Torah.   "Nicolaitans" have invented their own way of serving, and it's been designed to make them rich  -  borrowing heavily from Pagan backgrounds.   Consequently, we see many things "forbidden and permitted" which are simply the whims of men, apart from the counsel of Scripture.    They tickle people's ears to make things feel warm and fuzzy for everyone.

    The conscience which Yahuah put within us is supposed to warn us when we do wrong, but if it is "seared", or short-circuited with false doctrine, it cannot do this.   When we drink clean water (Truth) and poisoned water (false doctrine) together, it is what Scripture calls "wormwood", and we are in a stupor.   Most people stay "drunk" on this wormwood, flowing from pulpits each week.  Words of men tickle their ears, and they are constantly made to feel at ease, but they remain in idolatrous sin.

Our "worship" is really obedience, the doing of what Yahuah expects of us. If we neglect doing what He expects of us, but assume our  intentions will serve the same results, then we didn't understand the Fall, the golden calf incident, nor why Qayin's (Cain's) offering was not pleasing to Yahuah.   "If you do well, shall you not be accepted?" (Gen. 4:7).   Qayin made up his own mind how he was going to worship Yahuah, and what would be the offering.   How is Christianity any different?   All the Sun-day assemblies, Christmas trees, and Easter baskets in the world will not be acceptable to Yahuah, unless He prescribed them as a form of worshipping Him.   So, our task is to find out what Yahuah expects, then "do well" so that He will accept our worship of Him.   Then, we can expect to hear the words, "Well done , good and faithful servant!" (Mt. 25:21).   Doing "the Word" is obeying Him, not adding to it, or taking away from it, or adopting the Pagan cultural background as tradition has done. Read Acts, and circle the word Shabath each time it is used.

    What was Dr. Luke mentioning the "Shabath" for?   Many say, "We aren't Jewish, so we don't have to obey the 4th Commandment".   Well, why stop there? Why not say,  "We aren't Jewish, so we don't have to worry about the 7th and 8th Commandment". This thinking began with the church fathers, the Alexandrian Cult. They taught the people how all the promises Yahuah made to the Covenant people (Yisharal) were now inherited by Christians, but at the same time the Covenants were annulled  -  there is no moral obligation to obey them. This is called “Replacement Theology”, or Supersessionism. It is the stumbling block of all stumbling blocks.

Here's where the rubber meets the road  - What is the New (or re-newed) Covenant?   If it is something different, please tell me:

The New Covenant   (See YirmeYahu / Jer 31, Hebrews 8, Hebrews 10):   Yahusha ha'Mashiak writes His Torah (teachings, Commandments) on our hearts.  We receive a love for the Truth, His Word, which is the Covenant, or Ten Words.   It's as simple as that.  This process involves being convicted of sin (by learning the Commandments), repenting (stop sinning, turn back to them), and being immersed into His Name.  This immersion is the outward sign of the "circumcision" of our heart, by the Spirit of the Mashiach, Who lives in us from that point on.   I cannot convince you or convict you of your sin (rebellion against Yahuah's Covenant, the Ten Commandments) -- but Yahusha can change your heart, which is your only hope.  The mind of the flesh cannot, and will not, obey.     I love Yahuah's Ten Commandments.   Would you like to love them too?

    I dare you -- say, "I want to love the Commandments too."   Yahusha's Spirit is all around you, and He will take hold of you if you return to His Covenant.  The father ran to the prodigal son, remember? You cannot imagine the joy you will bring to Yahusha if you will accept His Covenant of love. The moment the prodigal son took his first step out of the pig pen to return to His Father's house, the Torah/Covenant, his father ran to embrace him. 

Take that step -- ask Him to write His Torah on your heart. He has promised to do this if you will repent, believing on His Name.

  If I were a servant of the adversary, would I promote the obedience to the Covenant made between Yisharal (Yahuah's wife) and the Creator, Yahuah?  Who wants you to ignore the Torah, Shatan or Yahuah?

You may have never heard it before, but you must engraft into Israel (or Yisharal) to partake of the Covenant(s)  (see Romans 11).   You do not "replace" Israel, you engraft into the olive tree.   You may likely be of a "wild" olive tree, a foreigner to the cultivated garden of Yahuah, Israel.   The "sign" of the everlasting Covenant is the sign of the Shabath Day, which rolls around each week.   My legal proof is Ex. 31:13-17, quoted again at Hebrews 4:4-11.   Without this sign, can you be in a Covenant of any kind with Yahuah, based on what Scripture teaches?   Is. 48:10 speaks of an iron furnace, a furnace of affliction, an unfriendly environment which refines and tests us constantly.   Many of us are in that furnace now, being tested who we will serve.   As for me and my house, we will serve Yahuah.   We are the servant of the one whom we obey.   Look at the 12 gates into the New Jerusalem (Rev. 21:12-15) -- each one is named for a tribe of Israel.   There's no Christian gate, no Islamic gate, no Hindu gate.   Welcome to all those who join Israel, and observe the Commandments of Yahuah. If you want to really scare yourself, ignore everything I've told you.   If you want more proof, read YashaYahu / Isaiah 56.  

Also, you should read chapters 55, 56, and 57.

  Consider the possibility that you may be drunk on wormwood, and not know it  --  so study on your

own, without the excuses ringing in your ears.

You will find the Truth of every matter under Heaven.  

It may sound odd to put it this way, but “drinking” the intoxicating “wine” (doctrines) of mis-guided preachers will keep you numb — as if you are drunk — and you simply need to sober-up and do some personal research in the Scriptures.  

The excuses are an eye of darkness, which seeks after ways of getting around the Commandments.

An eye filled with light is that approach which pants after Yahuah's Commandments, looking for more to learn so they can be obeyed.  

Which approach would Satan want you to take?  

Satan is a believer too.  If you obey, would such obedience upset Yahusha, or the men and their traditions of

setting aside the Commandments of Yahuah?  

You know the answer -- and if you act in the Truth, you'll be in the iron furnace with the rest of us.   

Try obeying the Shabath, and feel the heat we feel for it.  


Walk like Yahusha:  I dare you. 

For further study on this topic, look for the article

titled TOXIC TORAH at the website below.




     The only two "denominations" that will be in the world-to-come will be "ISRAEL" (Rev. 21:12), and "DOGS" (Rev. 22:15). Israel is the only one you need to be identified as now, unless you WANT to be in the other denomination.  When you pass through the waters of the COVENANT of immersion into the Name of Yahusha, you become a fully-fledged, one-fell-swoop ISRAELITE.  If you follow Yahusha, then your "sect" is the "NATSARIM" (see Acts 24:5).  The 12 tribes are spread abroad into all the Gentiles (Amos 9:9, Jas. 1:1), and Yahusha is calling them to Himself, searching them out through his workers in the harvest.  You may have been the Dalai Lama, or a Mexican Chinese Negro Italian-Irish Buddhist formerly, but once you pass through that water (immersion, tevila, or baptism), and vow to obey your Creator, Yahusha, you are a NEW creation.  An Israelite.  The UN* won't like it, and neither will your parents, your pastor, or your friends.  Too bad, this is simply a fact of life, and the only way to eternal life. Peculiar?  You betcha!  The WWCG, Baptist, Amish, Catholic, Episcopal, Jehovah Witness, Lutheran, Mennonite, or you-name-it -- all must come to the conclusion that their days are over.  In fact, they never had their day, in truth, using Scripture as the proof.  ISRAEL (or Yisharal) is the only bride of Yahuah -- He'll never change His mind about it either, He's especially faithful about this.  Read about it sometime. Yahusha's "bride" or wife is called "Qahal Yisrael", Assembly of Yisharal. That's your denomination. You engraft (Romans 11) at your immersion into His Name, and at that moment you accept the Name of your Husband - the Covenant represents your wedding vows.  The Covenant is a marriage covenant with the Maker of Heaven and Earth.  Outside this Covenant, and thisdenomination, can there be salvation according to the revealed Word of Yahuah?

There will be 2 "denominations" in the world-to-come. One of them will be permitted to enter the gates, and the other will have to remain outside:

YISHARAL (Rev. 21:12) These “do His Commands” (keep the Commandments), and may eat of the Tree of Life, and enter through the gates of the New Yerushaliyim. Mt. 15:26 refers to Israel (or Yisharal) as "the children", and the woman not of Yisharal as a "dog" -- but she had the choice to remain a "dog" or convert and become an Yisharalite -- as do we all. At the time she made her request, she was a "dog" because she was not obedient to the Covenant Yahuah made exclusively with Yisharal, the ONLY people He has revealed His Word to (Torah, Commandments - Ps 147:19,20).

DOGS (Rev. 22:15) These stay outside, never eating of the Tree of Life, nor entering into the gates of the New Yerushaliyim.  Why?  They do NOT “do His Commands” (keep the Commandments).  They may be “religious”, but may follow a made-up “way” which is about Mashiak, but not the correct way. Satan “believes”, but won’t obey.  If we can make up our own way, like believe Sunday is the Shabath, then what Cain did (offering what he pleased) should have been acceptable — should Yahuah apologize to Cain?  If someone tells you that you DON'T NEED TO OBEY the Covenant, the 10 Commandments, does that mean they are of YISHARAL, or the DOGS?  We should be able to discern them by their fruit (works), and teachings.

One program is given by Yahuah, and yet there are thousands of other programs invented by men, which intend to be correct, but are not.

That's all there is; 2 denominations. So the choice should be easy for us.

Lew White

*UN:  Presently, probably the most evil organization on the face of the Earth.

"Walk" = actions, obedience. "Word" = Torah, Truth.

Concerning TRUTH:

I'm impressed with the way it was put by the 12th century Jewish "Rambam", Maimonides.  He wrote:
"Men like the opinions to which they have been accustomed from their youth;  they defend them, and shun contrary views;  and this is one of the things that prevents men from finding truth, for they cling to the opinion of habit."
Maimonides - Guide For The Perplexed
I found this at the Jewish Virtual Library:

Maimonides/Rambam:  (1135-1204)

Maimonides's full name was Moses ben Maimon; in Hebrew he is known by the acronym of Rabbi Moses ben Maimon, Rambam. He was born in Spain shortly before the fanatical Muslim Almohades came to power there. To avoid persecution by the Muslim sect — which was wont to offer Jews and Christians the choice of conversion to Islam or death — Maimonides fled with his family, first to Morocco, later to Israel, and finally to Egypt.

A translation improvement:

Here's something to consider that helps reduce the lawless interpretation people derive from Paul's writing:

 In that He says, "A new covenant," He has made the first obsolete.

Now what is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to vanish away.

Eberim (Hebrews) 8:13

 This passage using the word "covenant" shows the word "covenant" is not present, and the Greek language assumes the subject to be the topic being discussed. The context demands that the word be "priesthood", since the change in priesthood is what is being discussed.   The KJV puts the word "covenant" in italics, because it was added by the translators.  
What was vanishing away was the priesthood, with its sacrifices.  
In fact, Yahuah literally made the Temple vanish too.  
This text needs to read:

"In that He says, 'A new priesthood,' He has made the first obsolete. Now what is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to vanish away."  Eberim (Hebrews) 8:13


The Path To The Truth

The path to Truth involves trusting Yahuah's Word, and forgiving those who have offended us. We need to submit to being shaped by what was intended for evil, and letting Yahuah turn it into a blessing. Yahusha's indwelling gives us the power to overcome strongholds (false ideas), and surrender to the Truth and hold it fast.

We soon realize only Yahusha can guide us, not a teaching authority that presents itself with titles and credentials. These only lead us away from Yahusha, because they are false shepherds. Labels are another divisive approach we can fall into. Some may misunderstand us when we say "like the Jews did" - as if to imply all Yahudim then (and now) are in the same boat, deceived and being deceived - which is not true.

It was the teaching authority (then and now) that is confusing people. When we reject the human teachers with all their traditions (leaven), and study the Word of Yahuah for ourselves as we should, then the veil is lifted and our true Shepherd reveals His will to us. His purpose for us is different than the false shepherds, which is why the false shepherds are so disturbed by our rejection of them. By their fruits, you will discern them.

Our confusion stems from the traditions we’ve inherited from our forefathers.


 Maimonides wrote:

"Men like the opinions to which they have been accustomed from their youth; they defend them, and shun contrary views; and this is one of the things that prevents men from finding truth, for they cling to the opinion of habit." - Guide For The Perplexed



It would be impossible to think the Commandments had vanished away, since Yahuah's Covenant will exist as long as there is day and night (YirmeYahu / Jer 31).


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